Looking to buy a home? There are two types of agents...

July 30, 2024

Ready to find your dream home? Discover how the right agent—one who digs deeper than public listings—can unlock exclusive, hidden gems just for you.

When you're on the hunt for a new home, you'll encounter two types of real estate agents.

There’s the type of agent who goes above and beyond. They don’t just rely on what’s available on realtor.ca. They’re the ones who are always asking colleagues, tapping into old connections, and doing whatever it takes to get an inside track on new listings—especially those that aren’t publicly available.

Then there’s the other type. These agents generally stick to the convenient automated search offered through the local MLS (ie. public listings), they set it and forget it. They rarely go out of their way to find listings not already widely available on the internet.

At Knokd, we attract the first type. Our platform is designed for agents who want to share off-market listings with their local peers, giving their clients a true inside track on exclusive properties.

If you want to work with an agent who goes the extra mile, check out Knokd. Or better yet, get your current agent on board (it's free to join!). We already serve areas like Ottawa and many parts of Toronto—see if your agent is using Knokd here.

Three types of listings you will find on Knokd:

Coming soon listings

The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) allows these properties to be shared publicly for up to three days before they hit the market. Knokd is one of the few platforms facilitating cross-brokerage sharing of these listings, giving you early access.

For years, agents have used "coming soon" signs to create early buzz, maximize marketing time, and increase the chances of early offers. Think of Knokd as the digital version of this practice, giving you an edge in a competitive market.

Exclusive listings

Surprisingly, many listings never make it to realtor.ca. Privacy concerns, the hassle of open houses, and difficult-to-show tenanted properties are just a few reasons. In the last year alone, over 1,000 such listings were shared exclusively on Knokd, accessible only to Knokd agents and their clients.

Assignment listings

If you’re looking at new constructions like condos or townhomes, assignment listings are key. These are pre-build properties sold before the original buyers take ownership. Since these properties can't be listed on realtor.ca, Knokd becomes the go-to for agents to share these opportunities, offering potential deals, especially in a distressed market.

With Knokd, you're not just getting listings—you’re getting an inside edge. Join us, and find an agent who’s as invested in finding your dream home as you are.

Sign Up Free

Join the Knokd community to share and find exclusive, coming soon and assignment homes. The Knokd platform is Realtor Cooperation Policy compliant.


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off-market access?

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